
Life-Changing Meditation Training: Testimonials from Gary Halperin's Students

Have you been wanting to start a meditation practice but struggled to stick with it? Gary Halperin's meditation training provides an effective and easy way to make meditation a daily habit. Don't just take our word for it - read these inspiring testimonials from real students who have transformed their lives through Gary's classes.

Highly Recommended

"I took the class with Gary 7 months ago, and I have been practicing daily since. Don’t worry, you will not wander around with a vacant look on your face or suddenly be compelled to wear clothing made of hemp. For me, mediation is a practice of self-care. It gives me a chance to check in with myself and quiet that chattering mind. She’s a talker. I highly recommend this workshop."

Lower Blood Pressure and Improved Focus

"One week after the training I am averaging 13 minutes first thing in the morning. Blood pressure down and feel more focused (and a bit more relaxed at work handling the stress). I plan on continuing this for as long as I can."

Commitment to a Lifelong Practice

"I am committed to this and happy I am finally practicing meditation. Thank you again, I enjoyed your classes very much."

"I'm really happy I signed up for it."

More Focus Throughout the Day

"I'm enjoying it! 15 minutes a day so far does not seem too long. I will keep doing it...I think it translates into my being more focused during the day."

Excellent Teaching Style

"I really enjoyed the meditation workshop that Gary Halperin conducted. He is a very good instructor, and I liked his style. He made me feel very relaxed as I was a little anxious or nervous at first, but really made me comfortable."

A Morning Ritual to Look Forward To

"I have been meditating now every day for the past week or so and actually really look forward to starting my day this way."

Lifelong Benefits

"I thought that the workshop was great. Gary did just what he was supposed to do...taught me how to meditate and to commit to making it a part of my life forever. I loved it and I am so thankful that I took his class."

Reduced Anxiety and Better Sleep

"I must tell you another thing that's happened since I started meditation. I used to, almost every day, have a racing feeling in my heart when I would go to bed, or shortly before going to bed. That sensation/experience has completed disappeared from the very first day I started meditating. I attribute it to my meditation practice!"

Clear and Effective Teachings

"I have taken many meditation courses. This is the best explanation of meditation I have ever heard."

A Renewed Meditation Practice

"Thank you for getting me started on meditation again. I had done a course and some practice years ago but needed a new impetus to begin again."

An Enjoyable Daily Ritual

"I wanted to let you know I have been meditating every morning and it has been easy for me...And I feel good after. I honestly don't know why, but I'm enjoying it."

"Thank you, Gary. I've taken a different class and read some books on meditation, but this has worked better for me so far."

A Beneficial Life Skill

"So far, so good with meditating every morning...Surprisingly to me, the 15 minutes goes by quickly. Thank you for providing this opportunity for learning what I know is a beneficial life skill."

Seamlessly Integrated into a Routine

"The meditation class has been very helpful for me. I have been able to incorporate it into my daily routine and have only missed a few times in the 2 months since the class."

A Judgement-Free Start

"I feel like the meditation practice is setting the stage for self-healing. Thank you for a very positive, judgement-free introduction to meditation. Really, trying to do it myself was never going to give me the push I needed toward commitment to meditation practice."

Effortless Practice

"So far I have managed to meditate every day since I took your workshop...I'm usually a bit startled when I hear the chimes of my alarm because the time goes by quicker than I expect. I had been concerned about trying to fit another thing into my busy mornings, but so far, I have managed to make the time for it, and it feels good to be committed to the practice — gives me a sense of accomplishment. I actually kind of look forward to it."

Don't keep putting off your meditation goals. With Gary Halperin's training, you too can experience the focus, calm, and overall well-being that comes from a consistent daily practice.